Repeat Prescriptions
How to Order Your Repeat Prescription

If needed, a GP may add medication to your repeat prescriptions for an ongoing condition. This means that are able to order these again without the need to see the GP and ordering is simple. You can:
At the Reception Desk
You can order by speaking to our reception team at either site. Make sure you know which medications you need to help the receptionist order the right items.
By Phone
You can call our main number reception number and speak to the Reception team. Please call after 10:00am Monday to Friday to avoid times when the phonelines are busiest.
Ordering Through Your Online Account
If you are registered for online services you can order using your personal account. This shows all the repeat medication on your medical record. You can then order the items that you need. Online requests can submitted at any time of day. They will be picked up by our Reception team during the next working day. If you wish to find out more about registering for online services click here.
Posting Your Request
Please clearly write out the medications that you need in your letter. This should be handed in into either surgery or posted directly to us. Requests can be posted back to you if a stamped addressed envelope is included. These requests take longer to process. They should not be used when you need medication quickly.
When Can I Collect It?
It can take up to 48 hours for us to complete any request and this to be sent to a pharmacy. It may take extra time for the pharmacy to process the prescription.
It is your responsibility make sure your order your medication in good time.

Nominating a Pharmacy for Electronic Prescriptions
Since 2020, most NHS prescriptions are sent to pharmacies electronically. This is called the the NHS Electronic Prescription Service (EPS). If you use a regular pharmacy this can be made easier by nominating them as your preferred choice. This can be done at the surgery or the pharmacy themselves.
If you do not have a nominated pharmacy then your prescription will be stored in the 'cloud'. You can then collect your prescription at any pharmacy. You just need your NHS number and ask them to download this for you. If you are unsure of your NHS number, please ask the Reception team when ordering.
You can find your NHS number here.
You can find your local NHS pharmacies by clicking here.
Information on the EPS service can be found here.
Medication Reviews
To make sure your medication is safe for your to continue you will need to see a clinician at least once a year.
When you are due this check, you will be notified. This will be either a message on your repeat prescription or you will be told by our reception team.If a pharmacy orders on your behalf then the pharmacy should tell you when your review is due. This should be the same if you have multiple prescriptions sent to the pharmacy in advance.
It will always be your responsibility to be aware of your review. No matter who orders your prescriptions for you. You will need to book any appointments in time before your order to avoid any potential delays.
Our GPs may not be able to issue and further medications before the check is complete.
Medication Queries
If you have a query about the medication you are taking, please contact our Reception team on 0114 234 5338. They will then be able to take note of your query and ask a GP, Nurse or Pharmacist on your behalf. They will then be able to contact you back and inform you of the next steps for you to take.